25 January 2009

I have question about skin LEONA....

All variants skin LEONA have this problem ?
Face and body have different color.... :(

Skin: 15 Tan Skin -Leona- / *smoky hair *REDGRAVE*


  1. Thank god I saw this before buying it!

  2. I noticed this too. :x Icky!

  3. I noticed this on the pale demo version as well. The really harsh line makes the ear look especially unnatural too. Suprising that such a veteran skin maker would miss/allow such an obvious flaw. I'm going to have to pass on these skins.

  4. I think, it is mistake by chance. Different tones between face & body textures. Just informing creator about it.

  5. I'll pass on those skins too. Apart from this flaw, there is nothing new added in my opinion.only a shade in upper lip that looks like a mustache!lol. Just an ordinary face again..I'd love to see something really special from Redgrave again..all the latest skins are way too similar I guess. But this is only my opinion :P

  6. Ugh. I just used this skin yesterday with a shape and today my customers are trying to buy it, and its been removed from Redgrave's store. Anyone have an update on this?
